Spring 2023

New Year came and we are back - painting is always a favourite and the children loved having a go.


The history of popcorn and making popcorn containers which we then filled by popping corn in the microwave. Celebrated popcorn day on 19th January and had popcorn as a snack.


Send a friend a card day on February 7th and we made mini kites to decorate the cards and ones to fly on fly a kite day on 8th February.


Valentine's Day and we made clay pinch pots and decorated them to take home filling them with treats for a loved one.


Mother's Day and a gift for mum, fabric pouches filled with treats were created. The Swiss Cheese Plant was chosen as a template for the cards that could be hung. This symbolises long life, respect and honouring elders in the Chinese culture. This plant can live up to 40 years.


Easter 2023 weather was a little better and new life was celebrated at the club with wool pom-poms made into sheep, plastic eggs looking like rabbits filled with chocolate eggs, all the children making baskets and having a sticky time!


After just recording some of the activities and crafts we have undertaken this school year I am always surprised what can be achieved in a few hours. The children may not always have a go at all the crafts on offer but may choose to spend their time playing with games and puzzles, construction toys and tents to chill out in. Meeting the needs of your children and providing play experiences is important to us ensuring a safe and secure environment.


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