Spring 2022

The first week in January and we all settled in to playing games and catching up on the Christmas news.


The Warminster artist Tanya Hinton was our inspiration on all about birds projects. The children were keen to share where all the birds were being painted around the town and we had a map with the location of the bird paintings. We talked about the birds in our gardens, made bird house models, finger puppets, bird pictures made from hand prints, origami model of a snapping beak and much more.


Valentine's Day and random acts of kindness day came next. Children enjoyed this project using clay and lots of paint.


The children made clay assorted shape tokens which were for bracelets and love shape tokens. Card envelopes were folded to hold the tokens, to give to loved ones or to say thank you to those that care for us.


Lollipop butterflies flew out the door and lots were made.


Australia and its territories and what the flag is about. History of Captain Arthur Philip and Australia day held on January 26th. Aboriginal art was next, using cotton buds and paints to reproduce this dot art; we used the native animals of Australia as outlines. We talked about the Aboriginal flag and the colours and the meaning of them. Word searches and crosswords helped further our knowledge. Colouring sheets as a visual aid for the children to have.


Mother's Day and more arts, crafts, cards, flowers, decorate a makeup bag filled with a treat for Mum, vouchers of a promise and best mum diplomas kept us busy each afternoon for a couple of weeks.


Easter is here and all can have a go and design an Easter egg. This competition was welcomed and most of the children entered. Rabbit boxes filled with treats, paper fortune tellers to fold and colour, finger printing and using the prints to turn into spring animals.


The children shared what they had been learning about the Easter story at their schools. All enjoyed these chat sessions looking at books with the Easter story in and sharing their views on Christian celebration. Its not only lots of chocolate.


The weather being dry, we have been being able to use the outside, a reminder of warmer weather and play outside, and building the Acorns Camp.



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