Winter 2020 / SPRING 2021

The return in March 2021 seems so long ago and its even longer since our last newsletter in November 2020. Christmas and all was going well. The projects planned the children were keen to have a go and enjoyed making felt fish to hang on their Christmas trees at home. This was inspired from Cornish folklore, a fisherman from Mousehole in Cornwall took to the stormy seas to catch fish and feed the villagers who were starving. Tom Bawcock became part of Cornish folklore and to this day on 23rd of December the people of Mousehole celebrate his bravery with Stargazy fish pie and children parade with lanterns and traditional songs.


The theme of decorating the tree was carried on in the other projects that had been planned. Cone people, elves, Father Christmas, etc, decorating baubles and mini Christmas crackers. All the children took time and showed us their best colouring skills when designing Christmas placemats which were laminated for them to take home.


Lockdown came along and January and February and the first week of March we all stayed at home.


On reopening in March the weather had improved and outside was lovely, making a camp and enjoying the space with the sports equipment.

Disaster struck and a leak in the sports shed caused loss to various items. The insurance claim was successful and we have been able to replace some of the items. Four pop up tents, small cushions, 20 skipping ropes, quoits set, badminton set with multisizes in rackets, balls, bats, leg skips, frisbees, juggling set, bat with balls attached for hand and eye co-ordination and hoops. Most of this has arrived for the members to have a go with.


Easter themed activities, joke books, word searches, cards, fortune tellers kept us busy, The sock rabbits filled the room and the children loved making these Easter bunnies to take home. Small boxes the children folded and filled with treats were a hit but proved a little tricky until they got the hang of the folds. Earlier in the term we had an origami week so it was good to see the children build on their skills.


Back after the Easter break and the weather has been a bit unsettled so in and out has been the order of the afternoons.


The 4th May and may the force be with you! Star Wars day and the children are happy about making felt Yodas and customising space ships and colouring Chew Bacca, these films being a firm favourite for all.


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