Any queries or if you just need a chat, Jackie and Nina can be contacted on:


Jackie 01985 213768

Nina 01985 300832

Club Mobile 07432878339


Acorns Afterschool Club is a place where children can meet and make friends, have fun or just relax from their day at school. We host children aged 4-14 years. A nutritious two course cooked meal is served at approximately 4:30pm which is included in the session fee. We are starting to take enquiries for places starting in September 2024. If you would like to speak to us about a place please phone using the contact details above.


An extra member of staff is needed to help with the walking journeys from schools - if anyone knows of a candidate please let us know. A replacement is also needed to fill the post of Jo the cook who has been with Acorns for over five years and will be missed. Please contact us for more details about either post.

Latest Activities

Merry Christmas Everyone.